Lesson's And Custom Fitting
Both of our Professionals at Banchory Golf Club have been awarded Level 2 in PEAK (Performance Education Analysis and Knowledge) Training


Both of our Professionals at Banchory Golf Club have been awarded Level 2 in PEAK (Performance Education Analysis and Knowledge) Training. Dean and Andrew use these skills to help you when analysing your stats during 1:1 lessons, giving you the very best feedback and subsequent training plans.

This specialised training regime was designed for Players, Coaches, Club Fitters and Tour Pros so that they could maximise the use of the data coming from their launch monitors and simulation software. This ensures that there is a common language and understanding around the use of the GC-Quad launch monitor, and the different data points that are created and measured.

Initial Consultation: Discussion with the Pro to allow them to get a better understanding of your game and future goals.
Current Equipment Assessment: Assess the current clubs that you are using and take any necessary body measurements to help guide the process.
Brand & Model Selection: Based on the data captured so far, the Pro will discuss the most suitable models and shafts for your game and narrow down the options based on your preferences for looks and feel.
Trial & Data Collection: The Pro will now capture data as you hit each of the suggested clubs, helping them to dial in the best specifications for your game (in terms of loft, lie, shaft flex, models, weight settings etc.), whilst also discussing which ones you prefer.
Yardage Gapping: This is an important part of any fitting to ensure that you are able to hit your clubs to adequate distance gaps, so that you have a suitable club for each shot you face out on the golf course.
Fine Tuning: Once you are both happy with the model and specifications selected, the Pro will discuss the final details of your clubs in terms of grip selection and any additional customisation options you may require.
Order Creation: The Pro will then create and submit your personalised order and you will be able to collect your new golf clubs from Banchory Golf Club.
Indoor Session & Follow Up: Once the clubs are in your hands, we will include a yardage gapping session to ensure all lofts produce suitable distances altering if necessary.

Please click to visit here and book your lesson or fitting